This is a post by Cat McClintock on PTC site.

[A couple years ago, the PTC Academic Program asked some of our most esteemed customers to reflect on the “skills gap” in engineering. We wanted to know what was missing when fresh graduates showed up on the company’s doorstep. What more could universities be doing to prepare the next generation of product developers? Many of the answers we received are still as relevant today as they were back then. With school starting up again, it’s a good time to revisit these now-classic posts as you choose your courses and extracurricular projects for the year. ]

In a 2013 webinar, the Director of Technology at Whirlpool came up with three skills he’d like to see incoming engineers possess. He also talked about a fourth skill they already have that they may not be applying. Are you gathering the right skills for the job market?Check out this summary of the skills he would like to see recent graduates bring to the job:

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