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Tag Drawing Tree

Have you tried to see child views from the Drawing Tree in Creo 7?

Starting with Creo 7, now you can see a list of child views related to the selected view. With this enhancement access to information about the child view is quick and easy. Now you no longer need to query all… Continue Reading →

Have you tried to add columns to the drawing tree in Creo 7?

Starting with Creo 7, you can add columns to the Drawing Tree to view various types of information. This provides you with more information about the drawing view and its relation to other views. Now it is easier to understand… Continue Reading →

Have you tried Sort Views in the Drawing Tree in Creo 7?

In earlier releases you receive a list of unsorted views, that does not help to provide you with the big picture. In Creo Parametric you can sort drawing views by the owning model, parent views, both views, or see… Continue Reading →

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